Thursday, October 29, 2009

Page 555 Reading...

I never really took the time to consider how important blogs could be or how important they are in todays society. Many People think blogging is pointless or something bored people does. but it seems as though blogging is a way for people to really give it to the "man". People can blog and put out the information that the news are to afraid to put out. Blogs are like the small things in life that create the "big picture" of things. When CNN is afraid to discuss on certain topics you can bet a blogger somewhere has put out the information National news centers aren't releasing.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Client Intake Form: Church vs No Church

So the Client Intake Forms Professor Andy handed our English 1010 class today contained two sides, One from a church organization and one from Helping Hands. The Helping Hand form seems like the best and most "appropriate". IT asked good questions regarding their financial history and previous visits meanwhile the Church intake form was just interested in their church attendance and religious view primarily. I think as if that's stupid, to some point. I could see why some of the questions are exceptional; seeing if they have any issues or something. But when they asked about whether they went to church or not and where they think they will spend eternity is pointless and dumb.

Many "Christians" tend to push non believers away with similar methods that this church organization used for their Intake Form. Rather then asking financial information, maybe some questions asking on how they're doing or what their view on Christ is... but not all of their questions. Being so loud about it and unapproachable in some form. Many people probably feel convicted or bad when having the "bible" or the word pushed on them.